FIRESENSE (Fire Detection and Management through a Multi-Sensor Network for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Areas from the Risk of Fire and Extreme Weather Conditions, FP7-ENV-2009-1-244088-FIRESENSE) is a Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP) of the European Union's 7th Framework Programme Environment (including Climate Change). The project started on December 1, 2009, and will last 36 months. The project addresses the Topic "ENV.2009. Technologies for protecting cultural heritage assets from risks and damages resulting from extreme events, especially in the case of fires and storms" of the FP7 Environment (including Climate Change) call and is partially funded by Directorate General "Research", Directorate I "Environment".
FIRESENSE will take advantage of recent advances in multi-sensor surveillance technologies, using a wireless sensor network capable of monitoring different modalities (e.g. temperature) and optical and infrared cameras, as well as local weather stations on the deployment site. The signals collected from these sensors will be transmitted to a monitoring center, which will employ intelligent computer vision and pattern recognition algorithms as well as data fusion techniques to automatically analyze sensor information. It will be capable of generating automatic warning signals for local authorities whenever a dangerous situation arises.
Demonstrator deployments will be operated in selected sites in Greece, Turkey, Tunisia and Italy.
Join the FIRESENSE User Group! |
If you wish to participate in the FIRESENSE User Group and be informed about the objectives and results of the FIRESENSE project through the project web site, specialized presentations, attendance of FIRESENSE workshops and other dissemination events organized by FIRESENSE partners, please complete the registration form.
FIRESENSE DATABASE, containing videos for testing flame and smoke detection algorithms, is now available to all registered users.
Article about FIRESENSE on Horizon 2020 website |
An article about the FIRESENSE project was published on the Horizon2020 website on March 2014. The article can be found in this link.
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